Our driver in Guiyang wanted to have a special ceremony for us so we stopped on the way to the airport and let five pigeons go free and fly away home.  Eva got a kick out of it but didn't hold a bird.  I grew up with animals and have done my fair share of catching chickens, but Little Baby was not too sure how to keep both wings in check when she was first given a bird to hold.  The pigeons did me the favor of circling overhead several times so that I could get a shot of them in action.
This is the four of us with our driver.  Eva called him Brother and talked the man's ear off every time she saw him.  He adored her, as did Richard.  My husband will have his hands full!

Here is a collection of shots from our bird-freeing event:
Here are the pigeons, obliging us with several sweeps overhead so I could get a shot of them in-flight.

9/23/2011 01:50:31 pm

RUBY! I am so happy to see your beautiful daughter with you! Congratulations and I hope your time in GUangzhou goes well!

April Z.
9/23/2011 11:55:32 pm

That is very cool!


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