These lyrics sum up the relationship between Aidan and Eva at this point better than I could ever do it on my own:

When you're the best of friends
Having so much fun together
You're not even aware, you're such a funny pair
You're the best of friends

It's like they are best friends who had just never met.  He is eager to show her everything and she is eager to communicate with him.  He loves having someone with "black hair and black eyes" like him, and she loves company.  He pushes her on the swing, she takes his hand and leads him around the house.  They sit together to eat their chicken noodle soup with crackers and pineapple.  They share a bedroom.  Both love the dog.  I have ten siblings and three older children, so I'm under no illusion that they will clash and fight at times, but right now this is everything that I hoped it could be.
10/2/2011 11:31:32 am

So sweet to hear!

10/2/2011 08:59:10 pm

Wow - but we've seen that too - it's amazing what God will do when He knows you're about His business!

hugs - aus and co.

April Z.
10/3/2011 12:30:30 am

I love hearing that! How sweet!!

10/3/2011 11:17:54 am

Hi. We also have two seven year olds, one boy and one girl, who became siblings at 6 and 1/2. They get along great! I happened upon your blog via one of the email lists, but turns out I know Jolene also. Small world sometimes. Congratulations, your daughter is adorable. Your very tall son is adorable as well. :)

10/3/2011 06:01:16 pm

That is one of the sweetest things I've ever read! I look forward to following they're adventures.

10/5/2011 01:33:31 am

Yay!! So glad that they have become fast friends!!!


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