I am thinking of adding some upgrades to my site, and I'm curious about who is checking it out.  If you could please tell me how often you've visited (first time?  once in a while?  regularly?) and why (pre-adoptive, post-adoptive, friend/family?) I'd have a better idea of what to add.  Thanks!

11/15/2008 11:12:33 pm

Hi! You know I stop by regularly. I bookmarked your blog when you received your referral because my daughter was of a similar age (a little over 3.5) when we met. I enjoy seeing the blogs of the older kids and how they transition, which is such a different process than the babies. Besides, your son is a cutie pie and your family knows NASCAR. :)

11/16/2008 06:16:06 am

I have you set up on google reader so your blog pops up when you have a new entry. I am LID 8/20/07 and when I saw your referall for an older boy, I was intrigued and decided to follow your story.

11/16/2008 06:51:34 am

Thank you, Leslie and Karin.

Leslie, you know that I check in on your site to see what is up with Fin and always enjoy your postings. Just tonight my husband asked me if Florida was in a different time zone since it was so light out at the race and so dark here. (Just a latitude difference-not time zone)

Karin, I have bookmarked your site now and wish you all the best in your wait for your new family member.

Kathy Simmons
11/16/2008 12:50:16 pm

I'm what's called a "lurker." I enjoy stories about Chinese adoptions (having adopted from Korea ourselves waaaaaaaaaay back in 1975). Just ran across "Chinese Adoption Stories" and have kept up with yours.

11/19/2008 03:41:04 am

Hey Ruby, I check here often just to get updates of you guys and to check out the new pics.


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